Hi! I’m Maddy

Current Digital Ecommerce designer at Potpourri Group! Graduate from Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH. with a B.A. in graphic design. As a graphic designer, I love being able to visually communicate with others.

As a graphic designer at Potpourri Group, my work consists of designing weekly emails for a variety of different brands, as well as website promotions and custom landing page sitewide panels. My work also includes slicing of Photoshop files, creating links for BULK emails (which we also QA every week) and HTML coding through Dreamweaver. Side projects for the company include image resizing/editing, SMS designs and website light box designs.

My Design work explores the relationship between strong typographic elements and powerful imagery. Visually, I am attracted to modern, bold, but clean designs which I emulate through my work. I enjoy publication designs, dealing with book covers, magazine layouts, and catalogs. I also enjoy being able to combine marketing and visual design together, in order to produce easy to read content to viewers. When designing, it’s important to know who you audience is, because a design can have an entirely different look based on the demographics of the target audience. A design can also change drastically depending on who the consumers are and what company or product you’re trying to market.

During my internship and then professional work with Revolutions Inc., I designed two different catalogs for the company. The SCI (spinal cord injury) catalog was directed towards younger people ages 50 and younger, while the homecare catalog was directed towards people ages 50 and up. Through my work for these two catalogs, it shows two very different styles of design. The SCI catalog was a modern, young take on mobility equipment, and the Homecare catalog had more of a tradition look. Being able to design for a variety of different groups of people is one of my main goals.

If my design doesn’t gain the attention of viewers, then I feel like I haven’t accomplished my job. I take a lot of inspiration from HR Interior Design Magazine and The Magnolia Journal, while allowing myself to add my own creative. Photography is another strong passion of mine, which is a skill I hope to use in the future to make my designs more powerful.

In my work, I usually take my own photos unless stated otherwise. I think having a strong background in photography is important when designing for companies. Knowing basic photography language will help you communicate with photographers better. One of my favorite pieces of work titled “Ralph Lauren Ad,” represents the planning, facial expressions, and fashion behind taking a photo. All three aspects are crucial in creating a piece of design that fits the content of the theme.

In the future, I would love to see where my designs take me. I hope to inspire, and get people excited about design!